Choral Scholarships

For 2024-25 we are delighted to continue our partnership with Newcastle University (Music Department) in the City of Newcastle Upon Tyne. The four Choral Scholars (S.A.T.B.) will sing at services, concerts and events at both Newcastle University and St. Andrews Church. The main focus of the scholarship will be regular services on Sunday morning during term time and occasionally on selected ‘High Days & Holy Days’ by agreement.

Apart from being an Inclusive Church, we are a well-preserved ‘Grade 1 listed’ building with a long (900 year) history as ‘the oldest church in the heart of the city’ situated within just 5 mins walk of the University, and enjoying good bus, metro/railway links.

There is a modest musical pedigree - Charles Avison (1709-1770) was once organist here, with his grave situated immediately outside the South doors. The inside of the church has excellent acoustics with good eyelines and seating capacity, offering an ideal worship/performance/rehearsal space for all forms of secular and sacred music. It is this combination of historical gravitas, variety and flexibility (with the added bonus of consistently reliable heating!) that is appreciated by musicians and parishioners/visitors alike.

Our main service is the traditional ‘Book of Common Prayer’ (BCP) as devised by Thomas Cranmer (1662) although we are liturgically ‘nimble’ and embrace other styles where pastorally appropriate.


Choral Scholars receive a basic remuneration of £1,350 per annum paid at the end of each month. In addition, we will pay for ‘Holy Week’ services. This will be calculated on an individual basis and added to your remuneration. Scholars also receive 1 hours singing lesson per month during the scholarship period.

Choral Scholars are allowed to be absent from services (or standalone rehearsals or other events) provided this is arranged in advance with the Director of Music, in order that a suitable deputy can be sourced, thereby minimising disruption and guaranteeing musical continuity of output. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to arrange any absences, these must be agreed as far ahead as possible. Suitable deputies will be organised by the DoM and will be paid £30 per service. This amount will be deducted from the Choral Scholarship remuneration at the end of each month for any absences other than for legitimate illness.

Any additional services (not included in the schedule) will receive remuneration.

Choral Scholarships will be tenable for one year only, renewable by agreement with the DoM and vicar.

N.B. Throughout the scholarship period, you will be a scholar at St Andrew’s and not an employee. Nothing in this document is intended to create a relationship of employer and employee between you and St Andrew’s.

Eligibility and requirements

Candidates for Choral Scholarships should have a confident singing voice and good standard of sight-singing ability. Enthusiasm for singing as a member of a team, together with a willingness to develop their musical talent, will be determining factors in the appointment of Choral Scholars.

Applications are welcome from all singers at the beginning of their choral music careers; our Choral Scholarships are particularly aimed at bridging the gap between university and professional-level choral experience. Although the music faculty (and the alumni) is our primary recruiting pool, we are also open to students from other departments, provided they are suitably gifted and meet the required standards.

To apply

Please download and complete the application form and send, along with contact details of two referees, by email to Tim Cranfield, at: by 1600 on Friday 18th August 2024 at the latest.

Auditions will take place in early September.

Term Dates


Friday 27th September to Sunday 22nd December 2024 (inclusive)


Friday 3rd January to Sunday 30th March 2025 (inclusive)

Holy Week: Palm Sunday (13th April) to Easter Day (20th April)


Friday 2nd May to Sunday 29th June 2025 (inclusive)


The regular focus of the scholarship is our Sunday mornings for the traditional (BCP) 11am Sung Eucharist during term time. Every 1st Sunday (during term time) will be Sung Mattins followed by a shorter form of Holy Communion. This requires a Friday evening rehearsal (1730-1900) and a 10am rehearsal on the Sunday morning. Each Thursday, during Lent will be devotional ‘Compline’ (1730-1830), also for the first two Thursdays in Advent.

Selected services will also be either recorded for future use on our social media or for those sick at home or in hospital.

Special services – for which the Choral Scholars will be required.

This will include Candlemas; Ash Wednesday; Ascension Day; All Souls Day; our Patronal Festival, St. Andrew’s Day (30th November) which is a high-profile significant event in the life of St. Andrew’s: and one Community Carol Service in December. In addition, scholars will also sing for Evensong at St. Nicholas Cathedral, Newcastle on a Saturday, once per term and also on the first weekend of half term as according to the partnership with Newcastle Cathedral.

Scholars will be notified of these additional dates in writing before the start of each scholarship term.

In addition, we are currently building a programme of Choral Scholarship activity in collaboration with the University and working alongside other churches in the city, ideally filling beautiful and unique sacred spaces with the glory and mystery of music for city workers, residents and visitors to Newcastle. Choral Scholars will be invited to take part in this programme for which additional renumeration will be offered.

Finally, being musically creative, liturgically coherent, and theologically sound are all key aspects of allowing people to ‘worship’ (giving God his ‘worth’) with integrity. Scholars do not need to be practicing Christians, yet they must be sensitive to the fact that our building has been set aside for a very special purpose. We ask that you be the best that you can be, and the most humble. Now more than ever, our city needs a variety of quality music for healing and hope. It is a privilege to be part of that exciting journey, and I trust you will take great comfort in playing your part.

Revd. Mike Hills (Vicar and City Centre Chaplain)

St Andrew's Church Prayer

But, because it is God to whom we witness, we need no less a constant detachment, a will to go apart and wait upon God in quiet, in silence, lest by our very busyness we should only rob ourselves and rob others of the realisation of God's presence; 'Be still and know that I am God'.

Would that everyone whose heart God has once touched would guard times of quietness amid our noisy, bustling life to let God touch the heart again.

Our Services

Our regular worship of Holy Communion on Thursday (12.30 said) and Sunday (11.00am Sung) continues, with Communion available in both kinds (bread and wine)

Coffee/seasonal refreshments and fellowship are offered, together with a warm welcome after the Sunday service in the lower hall.

Sung Matins is at 11am on the following Sundays: May 5th; June 2nd; July 7th.